Yagi Ant, end mount, 12 dBd, 138-174 MHz


Yagi Ant, end mount, 12 dBd, 138-174 MHz

正常价格 $0.00

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• Extended boom for end mounting Extremely wide bandwidth makes these antennas an excellent stocking item Specially designed for applications requiring extra broadband operation

average input power max (W) 200
bandwidth (MHz) 36
connector N-Male
frequency range (MHz) 138 to 174
front to back ratio typ 20
gain nominal (dBd) 12
horizontal beamwidth typ 40
pattern Directional
polarization vertical or horizontal
actual shipping weight (lbs) 220
base pipe diameter 1.9
depth (in) 5
estimated shipping weight lbs 35
length height (in) 108
mounting hardware included Clamp008
shipping dimensions (in) 111x7x44
width (in) 42
bending moment 100 mph no ice 96.3
lateral thrust 100 mph no ice 69
rated wind velocity no ice 155
survival wind velocity no ice 170
temperature range (°C) -40 to 60
